How does GPWS work?

How does GPWS work?

GPWS is a central computer system that receives various data inputs on configuration, (radio altimeter) height/altitude and instrument landing system glide slope deviation and is able to alert the pilot when a dangerous situation is about to occur.

What is VMBE?

What is VMBE?

The maximum brake energy speed.

It is a function of the gross weight, altitude, temperature, runway slope, wind component, and braking configuration.

V1 must be less than VMBE.

Why do we measure speed as a Mach number?

Why do we measure speed as a Mach number?

Mach number describes the speed of sound, which changes with the density of the medium it is travelling through.

When you reach the speed of sound, the compressibility effect creates a supersonic flow along the wing if you exceed a certain mach number.

This causes airflow separation and flutter.

It is therefore much safer and much easier to use a Mach number to express a limit at which compressibility effects start to tear the aircraft apart, as it is a constant value at all altitudes.

What are the advantages of fuel injection vs a carburetor?

What are the advantages of fuel injection vs a carburetor?

Fuel injection provides:

  • Fuel free from vaporization ice

  • Better economy through metered delivery

  • More responsive and efficient engine

  • Less maintenance

What is departure?

What is departure?

Departure is an east-west distance along a parallel line of latitude, other than the equator.

Departure is calculated by: Change of longitude(minutes) x cosine of latitude.

What is ACA/H? What ACA/H did you use? Why do we have an ACA/H?

What is ACA/H? What ACA/H did you use? Why do we have an ACA/H?

Asymmetric Committal Altitude/Height is the minimum height needed to establish a positive climb whilst maintaining adequate speed for control and removal of drag during an approach to a landing.

In the Seneca at Oxford we used 200ft AGL. At this altitude when continuing for landing you selected the landing flaps (check clear runway, on speed, on altitude, landing clearance received).

You now are committed to land, single engine G/A with flaps 40 and gear down is not possible in a Seneca.

Which way do jet streams travel?

Which way do jet streams travel?

From West to East

East to West (In Africa during the summer)

Explain what coffin corner is and what happens when reaching the coffin corner?

Explain what coffin corner is and what happens when reaching the coffin corner?

Occurs at absolute ceiling where low speed buffet and high speed (Mach) buffet are coincident.

When reaching the coffin corner, both increasing and decreasing the corner speed will result in a loss of control (either the aircraft stalls, or mach buffeting starts).

How much thrust comes from the N1 fan?

How much thrust comes from the N1 fan?

Depends on the engine.

In the case of the 737-800 CFM56, 27,300lbs total thrust at a ratio of 5.5:1

What is the height of the tropopause according to ISA?

What is the height of the tropopause according to ISA?

36,090ft in ISA

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